Finding the Best SEO Services For Your Business
Many brick-and-mortar companies are using geotargeted Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, to drum up sales and foot traffic. If you own a business in say Miami, using a no contract SEO strategy to increase your Search Engine Rankings (SER) is a wise idea.
With Search Engine Optimization, AKA SEO, you try to make your website more attractive to search engines. That way, if someone searches for something related to your business, say “the best burger in Miami” or the “coolest coffee shop in Atlanta,” your business will (hopefully) show up.
Search engines use “bots” to scan websites. These bots look at the content and analyze it for both topic and quality. If you build a nice website rich in content that uses keywords related to your area (New York, Bentonville, Miami, wherever) and your business (burgers, coffee, business consulting, restaurant supplier, whatever), the bots may take note and put your company at or near the top of local search engine results.
In practice, SEO is rather complicated and there are a lot of factors to consider. Some of these factors can be rather technical and/or nuanced. You’ll want to put together a clear, simple “site map” that is easy …